1. Power Down raspberry pi
  2. Format a USB stick to FAT32 with the volume name CONFIG.
  3. Create a folder named network in the root of the newly-formatted USB stick.
  4. Within that folder, create a file named my-network without a file extension
  5. Decide if you want to use LAN (preferred) or Wireless
  6. Do you want to setup a Static IP? Yes
  7. Go to https://www.uuidgenerator.net/ and get a unique uuid.
  8. Paste UUID here:
  9. Enter your Wireless Router Name:
  10. Enter your WiFi Password: Note!
    We don’t store any of this. Data is simply transferred to the block below. If you don’t feel comfortable adding it here, you can edit your file after you paste it
  11. Is your SSID broadcasted? Yes
  12. Enter your Desired IP Address:
  13. Enter your Default Gateway:
  14. Enter your First DNS:
  15. Enter your Second DNS:
  16. Copy the below block and paste it into your new “my-network” file or
  17. If you downloaded a copy, overwrite the one above with the new one
  18. Remove the .txt extension from your file
  19. Plug the USB stick into the Raspberry Pi.
  20. Power up your Raspberry Pi.
uuid=Unique UUID
type=802-11-wireless [802-11-wireless] mode=infrastructure ssid=MY_SSID
[802-11-wireless-security] auth-alg=open key-mgmt=wpa-psk psk=MY_WLAN_SECRET_KEY
method=manual address=; dns=;;
[ipv6] addr-gen-mode=stable-privacy method=auto